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February 12, 2016

Simple as that!

According to James Beltz on his PhotoTips podcast some 3 years back, 90% of the websites in the world are hosted on servers located in either the USA or Europe. Now, how is that a help or…
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February 11, 2016

Crazy Open Community policy

The internet serves as a digital tool. Since it's invention in the sixties under ARPAnet the values and usefulness if this tool have been unparalleled. It has opened the world to a new endeavours, information,…
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February 10, 2016

Mao Tse-Took My Art

China has a very long history, it also has a very big population, and of course it has Panda bears. Now, everyone would possibly have something to say about China, but in the creative field,…
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October 13, 2015

Ignorance shouldn’t be blissful!

It's a difficult career being a freelance artist, especially when the Internet is one of the more common tools to make that living. In todays age, it is getting more and more difficult to sell,…
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